Our Business Growth Strategy
growth noun
: a stage in the process of growing
: progressive development
: increase, expansion
When AmurEF rebranded in 2016, it plainly stated its intent to grow rapidly within the constraint of remaining faithful to its core product of purchase money financing for business essential equipment, to the responsible lender. AmurEF therefore embarked on initiatives to enhance our presence in the market and better serve our customers. We opened new offices around the country to serve regional equipment-intensive businesses, and we now have a total of six offices strategically located around the country. Additionally, we have almost doubled our current workforce, and will be recruiting additional staff to support our continued growth. Last year, we far exceeded previous growth records and expect to again be ranked nationally as a top ten independent equipment finance company.
Benefits of Growth
Growth is important for several reasons. First, it provides us with a breadth of industry specific knowledge to help our customers make the right financing decisions for their business. While AmurEF provides a very simple product to the market, its customers service a myriad of industries across the U.S. Our team is trained to understand details such as seasonality of cash flow, engine overhaul cycles, and the way different businesses are impacted by the macroeconomic cycle. Through this knowledge they are both able to ensure that AmurEF lends responsibly and its customers are making sound investment decisions.
Second, a growing business signifies strength and stability to the marketplace - two extremely important factors in the equipment finance industry. In fact, this past year, AmurEF successfully closed two term securitizations and has plans to close two per year for the foreseeable future. Since 2012, AmurEF has issued over $1 billion dollars in secured notes across six securitizations. The quantity and size of the securitizations supports our strategic growth plans, while signifying to the market that we are undoubtedly on the right path.
Third, growth challenges our employees, while also providing them with the opportunity to personally grow alongside the business. The best employees expect to have a clear path for career growth and be provided with the personal development opportunities to advance them on that path -. Being recognized and certified last year as a Great Place to Work®, demonstrates that we truly have developed an exciting and dynamic workplace for our employees.
About Our Company Expansion
Moving forward, we will continue to unveil new initiatives to better serve our customers and employees. At the end of last year, we announced the relocation and expansion of our main office in Grand Island, Nebraska. Having purchased a closed banking office located in the downtown area, we will soon begin remodeling and renovation efforts, which are scheduled to be completed by the end of this year.
The new location will provide AmurEF with the additional capacity to grow our existing workforce by at least 50 percent. The office will incorporate modern amenities and provide an improved office environment for our employees. As the old saying goes: happy employees equal happy customers, and we are determined to make both groups as happy as possible.
As we look forward to 2019 and beyond, we are truly excited about the many opportunities that lie ahead. Our focus; however, will always remain the same: to help you build your next generation business in today’s most economically-essential, equipment-intensive industries.